As you take time to reflect on the past year, I hope you recollect more than a few occasions you count as significant accomplishments. Even if you achieved more than you intended in 2010, you can probably still think of one or two areas where you wish you had been able to do more. Now may be just the right time to consider what you want to focus on as the new year begins.
When Jesus met the women at the well, her life was much less than she had hoped (John 4:1-42). Even in the midst of this great opportunity to spend time one-on-one with “The Lord,” she seems determined to miss the blessing that is being offered to her. "If you knew the gift of God,…” Jesus says. There was so much more God was offering her. There was so much more she could experience. There was so much more she could accomplish.
Is your life less than you hoped? Would you like to experience more of the blessings God has prepared for you? Would you like to accomplish something of great significance? Do you want to make more of your life in 2011?
The next few weeks are going to be the perfect time to consider a few of the areas of your life where you may be missing some of the blessings God wants to give you. Many times our lives are disappointing because we fail to take advantage of the gifts God offers. How can we be better managers of the gifts God gives us? Discovering the answer to that question is the key.
To make the most of your life you have to make the most of what your life is made of. God offers some clear directions about how we can make the most of every day, the opportunities than come to us, the relationships we have with others, the concerns that touch our hearts, our abilities, the assets we possess, and the commitments we make. When you have a better grasp of how to manage all that God has given you, you may discover that you have a better understanding of what Jesus meant when he said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10b).
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