Let’s be clear from the start. You cannot save anyone; and neither can I. As Peter was standing before the High Priest, other leaders, elders, and teachers of the Law of Moses in Jerusalem—just days after the Holy Spirit had filled them with great power; he told them unequivocally, “Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone” (Acts 4:12).
If that sounds narrow or absolute or exclusive, that’s because it is. Was Peter suffering from a lapse of triumphalism? Was he just trying to make his audience angry? Was he overstating his case? No! Peter was faithfully responding to the Holy Spirit by telling everyone who would listen what he had heard from Jesus himself: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me” (John 14:6).
If you know Jesus, if you confess Jesus as your Savior, if you put your whole trust in his grace, if you promise to serve him as your Lord; to make the most of your life you will make the most of every opportunity to share the single greatest gift you can give to your friends and family members—an introduction to the God who created them, loves them, and has a purpose for their lives.
Those opportunities are around you every day. You can develop friendships with people who are far from God. By listening to them and showing genuine concern, you can discover the stories behind their life’s journey. Through prayer and seeking direction from the Holy Spirit, you can discern what “next steps” will help point them to faith.
If you are struggling with your commitment to witness, let me suggest that you commit to know Jesus in a more personal way. Think about Jesus. Communicate with him day to day, even moment to moment, in prayer. Read his words, meditating on them and memorizing them; not out of ritual, but out of love. As you get to know him better, it will be easier for you to tell others what he means to you.
Pastor Bill Hybels reminds us, “Pointing people to faith is something all of us can do.” I am thankful for those people who pointed me toward God and for all of you who continue to lead people closer to God each day. I pray you will continue to be true to your commitment to witness.
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