If you are discouraged every time you hear politicians arguing around the solutions, let me ask you to consider watching Dave Ramsey’s The Great Recovery Kickoff Event (www.TheGreatRecovery.com). This may be the biggest call for managing money according to Biblical principles our country has ever seen.
The Great Recovery is a movement to change our country and economy one person at a time. Dave says we can’t depend on the government to fix our problems, and as Christians our hope should be in God. God’s principles for managing money work. The Great Recovery movement starts with you—as you learn and apply God’s principles of stewardship to your life.
Dave raises the question, “What would happen if people started following God’s way for managing money?” What if people got out of debt, saved more, gave more? Their lives would change! What would happen if communities did the same? Communities and cities would change! What would happen if the movement spread throughout our country? Our economy would change! The change starts with you and me and the way we manage God’s money as faithful stewards.
Dave is asking people to join the movement by taking a pledge and then sharing it with others. Here is the pledge:
This great nation can recover. I believe it will happen from the bottom up, one family at a time. I commit to make sure my family is equipped to do our part by educating ourselves on God’s way of handling money, living responsibly, saving for the future and giving to others.
We have several families who are currently enrolled in Financial Peace University. They are learning more about God’s principles for managing their money. Many of them are already celebrating victories they are experiencing as they apply these principles to their households. Let me encourage you to find out where you can enroll in this powerful 13-week course so that you can begin applying God's principles to your household.
Jeremiah spoke to a people who were experiencing a total collapse of their society. This was the message he received from God: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (29:11).
May we continue to put our trust in God’s plans so that we will enjoy God’s future.
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