How do you spend the time when you have to wait? I am thankful that I don’t have to spend very much time in a doctor’s waiting room; but I will admit that when I’ve had to wait for my turn, I have been fascinated by how differently people pass the time.
Some folks seem content to just sit there until their name is called. Others park themselves in front of a television. Some people pull a book or magazine out of their bag and resume their reading. There are usually stacks of magazines lying around for those who didn’t plan ahead. A few folks bring work from home or the office. There are usually a couple of folks who have a friend or family member with them and they spend the time in conversation.
No matter what activity they are using to occupy their time; every time someone comes to the door to call for the next patient, all of them stop what they are doing, look up and listen for their name. No one wants to miss their turn. Each one hopes this is their opportunity to move closer to keeping their appointment.
Advent is a season of waiting. When you have an appointment to see the doctor, it’s pretty clear what you are waiting for. With Advent it’s a little more ambiguous. Are you waiting to see what will be under the tree on Christmas morning? Are you waiting to impress your friends and family with lavish decorations and a sumptuous feast? Or are you waiting for something else?
While Advent begins our season of preparation to celebrate the birth of the Christ child, it also serves as a time to recall that we are still waiting for the triumphant return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus assured his followers that he would return to establish his kingdom. Jesus also urged them to live in eager anticipation of his return. Jesus did not want anyone to miss out, so he urged them all to stay alert.
There are a lot of different ways you might spend this season of Advent. Some of you may choose to spend time in silence listening for God’s voice. Some may choose to read passages from the Bible that speak of God’s plan and purposes for the world. You may find the writings of others who lead you to discover the deep truths of God.
However you choose to spend this time of waiting, I pray that you will make room in your life to focus on the hope we have in Christ. May this be a season when you hear God call your name. May you realize your opportunity to move closer to God.
I liked this this image so much I borrowed it for my sermon on Sunday. But don't worry, I gave you credit!